Do you believe diseases like cancer, parkinson are curable in the not so distant future. My answer is yes! i do believe. And guess what, i am helping to fasten up this process. You can also do that by participate in this distributed computing project called Folding@home.
Q1: What is Folding@home?
A1: The objective of Project Folding@home is to understand protein folding, misfolding and related diseases.
Q2: What is protein folding and how is folding linked to disease?
A2: Proteins are biology's workhorses -- its nanomachines. Before proteins can carry out these important functions, they assemble themselves, or fold.The process of protein folding, while critical and fundamental to virtually all of biology, in many ways remains a mystery.
Q3: Aiyo! my computer very old already and cannot run this software la i scared it will make my computer slow~
A3: Folding@Home does not rely on powerful supercomputer for its dataprocessing; instead, the primary contributors to the Folding@home project are many hundreds of thousands of pc users who have installed a small client software The client will, at the user's choice, run in the background, utilizing otherwise unused CPU power, or run as a screensaver only while the user is away.
Q4: Hmmm... Sounds funny, i willing to lend a helping hand.What can i do to help?
A4: You can help by simply install and run a piece of software.
Q5: Har? Where can i find the software?
A5: You can download it at click me
Q6: Wei i dunno how to install and configure this and that la.
A6: It's very easy only. Follow the instruction and click only. If you still dun understand kindly visit to lawyat net forum Folding@Malaysia
Sangat Baik Hati la u boss...i follow i follow...drag torto together...
Wah lao ten kiu kaka Kelly so fast post comment~respect~drag many come in
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